November 20, 2018
The Loretto Sisters are marking a significant passage in November as they move from their current premises at 101 Mason Boulevard to Presentation Manor, a new senior’s residence for religious and lay persons. The Sisters moved from the old Loretto Abbey on Wellington Street to the newly constructed Loretto Abbey in North York in June of 1928. At that time, Mason Boulevard was on the outskirts of the city and the streetcar did not yet extend that far. However, the city of Toronto was rapidly growing and the new school, still under construction, offered a more spacious environment that allowed the sisters to offer their ministry of Catholic education to more girls and young women. On September 2nd of 1928, Loretto Abbey School opened with 103 boarders and as many day students. Over the years that followed, the school gained a reputation in the city for excellence in education.
Loretto Abbey Secondary School continued to be managed and primarily staffed by the Sisters until 1987, when the management of the school was turned over to the Toronto Catholic District School Board. The legacy of Catholic education, begun by the sisters in 1928, continued to grow and flourish.
Today, Loretto Abbey Secondary School has 933 students and there are plans for a significant future expansion of the school. It gives the sisters joy to know that by leaving the Abbey buildings they have called home for so many years, a space is opened up for the future growth and expansion of Loretto Abbey School, something greatly needed to meet the urgent needs of this time.
Patricia Grant, IBVM
Provincial Leader
IBVM Canadian Province (Loretto)
When can someone visit the sisters at Presentstion Manor? How do we know who is living there and whether or not visitors are welcome etc.
Good questions. We suggest you contact Presentation Manor directly.
Phone: 647-350-3755
I am trying to find any information I can about Sister Walter, who was my Grade 1 teacher at Blessed Sacrament School in Toronto in 1966. She was a Sister of Loretto. Also, Mother St Fergus who was the Principal at Blessed Sacrament for many years and was also a Sister of Loretto.
Hello Naomi,
We suggest that you contact the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
They may be able to help you.
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Canadian Provincial Office
101 Mason Blvd
Toronto, ON M5M 3E2
[email protected]
Mother St Fergus led a busy life after retiring from teaching. She was the first Superior of the Community in the new Loretto Infirmary for instance. She died a number of years ago.
Sr Waltera, after leaving the Abbey devoted her life to working with aboriginal people in the northwest of Canada. She died a couple of years ago.
Sister Evanne,
We the graduating class of ’69 are having our 50th reunion in May! About 40 of the class are coming. We have been emailing each other reminicing about our highschool teachers. How wonderful to see you are still active!
Mother St. Fergus was also my Principal at Blessed Sacrament. Would you be able to send me any further info on the Staff of Loretto Abbey in the latter half of the 60s?
All the best,
Mary Ellen Bolger Kettrick
I was wondering if you have any information about my sister, Rose C. Murphy, who became Sister Estelle. Aunt Rose taught at Loretto Academy in the 1950’s through the 1970’s. She was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland in 1915 and passed away in Toronto in 1995. My father, – her youngest brother – Edward Murphy, is the only one of her siblings still living. He turns 91 in March and would be interested in knowing more about Rose’s life in Toronto.
Hi Ann,
We suggest that you contact the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
They may be able to help you.
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Canadian Provincial Office
101 Mason Blvd
Toronto, ON M5M 3E2
[email protected]
Mother Mary Estelle taught English to me and many classmates. I don’t know a lot about her life except that we kept her pretty busy. I believe she was also vice-principal for a time. We had a reunion a few years ago, and many of us remember her very well.
My brother and I took piano lessons at the St. Cecilia convent in the West Toronto Junction on Annette St. in the 1960’s. Our teacher was the wonderful Mother Marie de Lourdes who was in her 80’s and a phenomenal teacher. With her guidance, I excelled in piano playing, even winning competitions which I know I couldn’t have done without her. She also taught me French folk songs and provided spiritual guidance. When I was about 12, my mother received a call that Mother Marie de Lourdes had suffered a stroke and was being moved to Loretto Abbey. I never saw her again. I have mourned and celebrated this amazing teacher and human being through the years and would like to know if there is any more information about her. Thank you very much.
Hi Sister Pat Grant – I am looking for a mailing address for Sister Maria Heinrich – I have lost touch since she moved. Can you help me out? Thanks
Kathie Steffler, Whitby
This may seem like a strange request but I was wondering if there is anyway for me to contact the nunnery directly?
I am a former Loretto Abbey student and I am recently engaged. I would love to be married at the school chapel but I always remember the chapel / nunnery being a separate entity from the school. Therefore, I can’t imaging that contacting the school / TCDSB directly would yield in anything.
I know that the school chapel used to film (or still does) Daily Mass and so I am hoping that my request to be married here is possible and not too far fetched.
I also hope that this comment and my request does not convey any disrespect. I am aware of the sanctity that a chapel possesses as well as the privilege I am about to receive through accepting the sacrament of marriage.
Thank you in advance for any help you are able to offer me.
can someone please send me sister mary vanhee’ s address and phone number.
i worked with her at st. patricks church mc caul st . toronto.
i used to feed the homeless and wash their feet on sunday evenings in the church basement. 2 years ago i broke my hip and haven’t been since to the program out of the cold, . hence i lost touch with sister mary and father santo arrigo. my email address is [email protected]