At the College
My Loretto experience, was one to remember, and one I often think about. I tend to reminisce about staying late after school to practice cheers and dances for Camp Olympia, or running events during Wellness Day. These are the high school memories I hold close to me; forget the stress of finals, projects, and the dreaded OSSLT. When I think of high school, I remember laughing with my friends at lunch, throwing shot-put with Ms. Strazar by my side, and making playful bets with Mr. Russiello about soccer. Loretto prepared me for university, and the world, in ways I could not imagine. From being faced with adversity because I am a women, to how to properly cite, the knowledge I gained at Loretto is something I use everyday; whether I like it or not.
There are a few teachers who come to mind; most prominent, Ms. Adzija, Ms. Pacheco, and Mr. Donovan. All of these teachers routinely listened to me complain about life issues, big or small, without hesitation, and offered support. Ms. Adzija helped me find the university program I am currently enrolled in, and for that I am forever grateful. Going to her class was the best part of day in high school, and she helped me find my passion for health care. Ms. Pacheco would stay late after school and help me through my life problems, listen to me, and be a shoulder to lean on during some of my darkest days, and would always make sure I leave with a smile on my face. Mr. Donovan put up with my antics, and let me embrace my creative side in yearbook class. His sense of humour is something I aspire to have, but I doubt I’ll ever match him.
My passions stem from my experiences at Loretto, whether through the people I surrounded myself with, or the influence of teachers. A lot of who I am comes from my high school experience, for better or worse, and for that, I am grateful.
Getting Professional
Since graduating, I have been attending Wilfrid Laurier University, attaining my Bachelors of Arts, majoring in Health Administration, minoring in leadership, with a specialization in Human Resources Management (done at Conestoga College). The majority of the jobs I have been offered since graduating, have been due to my experiences Loretto provided me. Programs such as SHSM, gave me the certifications needed to help get my first job, as well as my introduction to geriatrics, through my grade 11 co-op (something I have since found a passion in). A lot has changed for me personally since graduating Loretto; however, if I stayed the same, I feel like that would be more of a concern. My experience at Loretto helped prepare me for the real world, in the sense that sexism still exists, and that it is up to me to help break the glass ceiling. I firmly believe that if I did not attend LCS, I would not have to courage to stand up to the adversity people face.
From an academic standpoint, I am passionate about geriatrics, health policy, accessibility, and epidemiology.
Getting Personal
Personally, I am weeks away from attaining my Bachelors in Health Administration. I would like to go on to pursue my Master’s, most likely in Health Administration again, or even epidemiology. However, I would like to take a break from school, and gain some work experience; Master’s programs will still be there years down the line. Since graduating, I have found a passion for health policy, geriatrics, and accessibility; these passions all due to my experience at Loretto (shoutout to Ms. Adzija)! I have changed since high school in the sense of where my priorities are. Two months after graduation, I moved out, went to a new city, and started university; I had to grow up really quick and figure out to function as an adult. While I am still my goofy, sarcastic, self, I like to think my sense of humour has evolved with me.