At the College

Loretto College was a great experience for me! I was always very involved during my four years; participating in the yearbook committee, radio club, photography club, leadership team, and becoming President of Student Council in my final year. My favourite courses were Science and an introductory Computer Science course as part of the MST (now STEM) program. I remember all the cool physics projects we did, vividly; like designing my first hydro-powered electric generator and a rubber-band propelled car! My favourite memories were staying late after school to practice our dances and cheers before Camp Olympia and filming and editing our school videos.
I’d say the most influential teachers I met at LCS were Ms. Pacheco, Mr. Da Silva, and Mr. Donovan. They helped jump start my interest in leadership and involvement while at Loretto. They always encouraged me, befriended me, and gave me the chance to seek new opportunities. Ms. Pacheco supervised student council at the time, which was a key moment in my leadership career. Being President I worked very closely with her and we shared great laughs while accomplishing so many great things with council that year. I am happy we are still connected today! Mr. Da Silva was my leadership teacher and supported me tremendously while I transitioned into my student council days. We spent endless hours in practices for Camp Olympia and he was very patient and kind with the leadership team. I looked upon Mr. Donovan, as a kindred spirit. He endlessly gives back to LCS with the music program. Although I was never a musician, I still always remember his motivation and support.
Getting Personal
What have you been up to?
As far as my personal life, I have done a LOT of growing. I went through many challenges and feel that I am now a completely changed person, while still remaining true to my essence. I have not really kept in touch with many old classmates, which is just a reality of adult life, though we may be connected still through social media. I think it is just important to know that although life may seem a certain way on social media, I still have my challenges and memories and seek to constantly grow every day. I would recap by saying it’s been a wild time and a lot has changed since high school days but I feel like I am in a much better place and cannot wait to see what is to come!
Getting Personal
What have you been up to?
Since I graduated from Loretto College, I began my studies at Ryerson University. I am pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering specializing in Space Systems. I am technically now in my final year of study, but have decided to take a gap-year or Professional Experience Year (PEY), where I work in the industry full-time before finishing my studies. I am currently working as a Project and Systems Engineering Intern at a company called Safran. I work in Research and Technology, designing high-tech for the future, patenting ideas, and more! I’ve been quite lucky to have worked for a few months in Paris, France this past year which was an unbelievable experience. I have been able to travel to conferences and engineering competitions in Florida, California, and to Harvard in Boston this coming February! I also became President of the Ryerson Aerospace Course Union, became involved with Equity and Diversity initiatives at Ryerson, and continued to excel in my involvement!
As an engineer, I take my work with great responsibility. We create the world around all of us and I find it very important to ensure we use our talents to better the lives of people, protect the environment, and improve the world. I have participated in many sessions for technological stewardship and innovation! I have led initiatives within the Engineering community at Ryerson, written articles that spread around to students, attended conferences, and participated in action groups to plan and execute initiatives to promote inclusion of women in Engineering nationally