At the Abbey

My four years at the Abbey were a time and a half! When reflecting on my high school experience I think of how grateful I am to have been part of various sports teams and extracurriculars. I was able to build significant relationships with friends and teachers as well as learn more about myself and what I am passionate about. Some of my most notable moments involve playing soccer and participating in running meets, being constantly told to roll up the socks, MC-ing multicultural night, going on the Yukon trip, and being a leader at Olympia and Camp White Pine. Being the LAT voice in grade 12 was a super wicked way to end off my time in high school. Looking back, it was fairly ironic that I had this role considering I am the absolute worst at getting up in the morning. I would like to think that my current role as a reporter for my university’s news and entertainment outlet is somewhat an extension of this, and I definitely have Ms. Musalem and grade eleven Biology to thank for this.

 I would be lying if I said the teachers at the Abbey did not contribute greatly to my high school experience. I guess now would be the time to give a shout out to the teachers who put up with me during my free time: Volpe, Musalem, Wasiuk, Bregin, Capps and many others, thank you!

It was through these influential individuals that I was able to get a grasp on what subjects and areas of interests I genuinely enjoyed. For instance, Ms. Volpe and Mr. Cappadocia, who enabled me to further my interest in geography beyond the classroom setting, or Bregin who inspired me to challenge myself in sports… and math which evidently, was not my forte. Furthermore, I am very fortunate to have learned even a sliver of the knowledge that my teachers acquire, and I hope to advance my knowledge by continuing to engage in meaningful discussions and learning opportunities.

Getting Personal

Being dropped into a novel and unfamiliar environment (aka UNIVERSITY) was intimidating at first, but like my time at the Abbey, I quickly found comfort in extracurricular opportunities. Although simple, some of the best advice I have ever received is to “become a YES person.” In other words, say yes to any opportunity that will allow you to challenge and better yourself because it is only when we are open to stepping outside our comfort zones where we learn and begin to gain purpose and meaning in our lives.

 Throughout my past few years at Western University, I have been a reporter for a student-operated news and entertainment outlet on campus. From interviewing strangers on campus to vlogging myself attempting to go zero waste for a week, it has been a fun and challenging experience. Additionally, I am an Orientation leader for my faculty whereby I get to help incoming students transition into the University setting by providing academic, personal and social support.


Getting Professional

I am now heading into my fourth year at Western University pursuing a degree in Media and the Public Interest with a minor in Geography. Most recently, I have had the privilege of studying abroad in Singapore for four months. My experiences in Southeast Asia and Australia have come to strongly influence the way I see myself as an individual as well as how I foster relationships with people around me. From South Korea to Malaysia and Cambodia, I have noticed a common thread between the spaces and cultures I come across. This is the notion of happiness. Despite the systemic and individual barriers that confront many people living in less developed countries, their happiness persists and their energy is contagious. Nine countries and two continents later, I most confidently say it was one of the best decisions I have made to date and moving forward, I hope to incorporate travel and international learning into my career.

 Currently, I am working as a Video Production Intern for Diply, a news and entertainment company. My experience thus far has been an amazing learning opportunity as I have been able to further my knowledge and practical skills in social media, journalism, and videography. Going forward I hope to utilize these practical skills to create and share videos that tell stories, whether that entails my personal travels and experiences or the experiences of individuals and communities who are underrepresented or marginalized.
