Maureen A. Harquail
Loretto Alumnae Association
In 1609 Englishwoman Mary Ward (1585-1645) founded the IBVM, the Institute for the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Catholic Order for women which served the community through teaching and pastoral care. Mary Ward opened the first free public school for girls in France and then in England during a time of civil unrest.
Today, the IBVM, also known as the Loret(t)o Sisters, ministers on five continents in 24 countries that are organized into ten provinces and one region. The IBVM legacy of teaching continues today in Loretto-affiliated schools located worldwide. You can learn more about these activities in the newsletter “Loret(t)o as a Global Community” which is an international project created by Loret(t)o Alumni and Sisters worldwide.
The Loretto Alumnae Association is comprised of alumnae from Toronto schools and is led by volunteers on the Executive Committee. As President for the present term, I believe that outreach to all alumnae is very important.
At this time, the membership fee for the Loretto Alumnae Association has been waived. Therefore, the Executive Committee invites all Loretto alumnae to subscribe to our eNewsletter in order to receive invitations, news and events.
We also invite you to attend our annual event where you can reunite with former classmates. We hold one event yearly, the Mass and Tea for Loretto alumnae which includes the Order of Mary Ward Celebration.
We look forward to meeting you in person at our events, or hearing from you via our social media channels.