At The College
When you begin high school you are reminded time and time again that making friends and taking part in extracurriculars is what you will truly cherish and hold on to as you move on in your academic career. Boy were they right! When I reflect on my years at Loretto College the most prominent memory I have is that in which I spent being part of the NTS Drama Festival (formerly known as the Sears Ontario Drama Festival). It was through this outlet that I not only grew an understanding for my theatrical passion of scriptwriting and acting, but also learned many life skills and met some amazingly talented women. This is truly where I found my place- a place of commitment to telling the stories that are so often left untold. I take those skills with me in every space I enter and every situation I encounter.
Mrs. Sara Pedrosa was an integral part in my artistic journey. Not only did she provide me a safe space to explore my truths but in addition to this she provided me the resources and tools to make those truths come to light. Even to this day, I turn to her often as a mentor in my theatrical endeavours as they come. In addition to this, Mr. Micheal Szepetyk’s law class was a place in which my passion for justice and truth were able to grow. From documentaries to class discussions, Mr. Michael Szyepetyk’s humour and experience allowed not only for my now cynical mindset and snarky attitude but also pushed me to understand the world in a different light, a dark and serious light. Lastly, Mrs. Laura Caprara is a teacher who’s empathy and kindness is never short of 100%. She taught me to see the good in the world, to be a beacon of hope for others, and most importantly an ally to those who need it most. I keep her lessons in mind whenever I am called upon to lead
Getting Personal

First year of University has been an experience unlike others. Through the frustration of readings and assignments I have learned many skills, the most important of them being that not everything has to be your best work, sometimes good enough is good enough. I often strive for this notion of perfection and I am learning that life is always going to be a work in progress, so it’s okay that some things aren’t their very best. I’m at this transitional period of my life. This is the very start of my academic and artistic career and I look forward to what the future has in store for me.
Empathy and truth are two words I often lead with. I integrate these words and their holistic meanings into the artistic works that I create and share with others. I am passionate about art. The arts teach individuals how to speak when words are nowhere to be found and how to step into the shoes of another even though they may be worn out and filled with holes. It is the arts that teach you empathy and empathy is what leads to change. I want to be the initiator to change. I am passionate about telling the stories of the voiceless and opening up the eyes of those who may be ignorant to the lives of others. I want people to watch my plays and leave the theatre with a different outlook on life. I want them to learn a lesson. This is important to me.
Getting Professional
I have since finished my first year at Ryerson University in the program Creative Industries. I am currently acting for Tarragon Theatre’s, Young Playwrights Unit, in the show “Sol”. Alongside that, I am a playwright in residence for this year’s Paprika Festival where my show “Uncharted” will be debuted. I have since been cited as a source in Aida Jordão’s essay in the book, Theatre and (Im)migration, for my show “O Nosso Fado”.